How to Save Your School from Soul-Stealing Demons






Diego's life has spiraled since the gruesome death of his brother Miguel, and moving to a new town right before his senior year definitely wasn't on his to-do list. Oh, yeah, and neither was saving the world from a centuries-old, undead spirit who's turned Diego's new high school into its own personal buffet. 

Diego Rivera killed his older brother. At least, that's how he sees it, since it was his behind-the-wheel blackout that cost Miguel's life. He's been a shell of his old self since, unable to shake the mental toll of that traumatic day. As if nightmares, spontaneous barfing, and disfigurement weren't enough to deal with, now there's a serial killer going around offing his peers. Great.

He'd rather not think about the brutal killings any more than he has to, but his new friend Watts notices something he can't ignore: a pattern that suggests Vanterbest High's most popular students are involved in the murders. And not only that, but he thinks they're the newest members of an ancient demon-worshipping cult.

So, you know, normal high school stuff.

Reluctantly, Diego lets Watts drag him into outrageous theories, paranoid research, and the recruitment of two intimidating outcasts. But a bunch of jocks and cheerleaders can't really be behind the terror plaguing their small town... right?

Well... yes and no. The truth is, things are about to get complicated. And bloody. Really, really bloody.